Friday, August 21, 2015

Blogger Tips: Webmaster Tool and Indexing

So when starting off your blog or website the are a couple of things you need to make sure you do. One of those is making sure you have your website or blog indexed by Google and Bing. I mean how are you going to get ranked on the world wild web if neither of these search engines even have your website or blog marked? Which is where the free webmaster tool by google and webmaster by bing comes in handle. It is free and very easy to used once you figure out how to use it that is.
So the question become how do you get your site indexed by google or bing? Well you get your site indexed by these search engines by providing them with a sitemap of your website or blog. In google webmaster you can generate your sitemap -after you have of course added a website property- by clicking the website or blog you owned. Once you click on you blog or website name you should be taken to a page with a list to the left, on that list locate the label "Crawl" which will reveal a couple of other labels then click on the label "Sitemaps". This is where you are going to get your sitemap from which you will then sent to Google or Bing for indexing. Now this is where you might become a better confuse but I am here to help you.
When you click on the tab on the page called add/test sitemap it is going to give you something that appears like this....
with a empty box following after so you can put in something. For this all you are going to do is place in that box " sitemap.xml " without the quotations which should generate your sitemap for you and you just click submit and that it. It will be sent to google or bing and your website or blog will be indexed with in a day or two.
Hope this helps. 

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