Sunday, September 6, 2015

Blogging Tips: Merging

So you decided you want to be a blogger for whatever reason and not just any blogger but a blogger in a niche. So you created your content and started posting. Only problem is that your traffic is low and not a lot of people are finding you or reading your stuff. So you think about giving up or something. Because well...what's the point? You would never be as big as those other big names bloggers with all those traffic and fans. That is true if you were going or trying to go the same route of them. Why? Because you are in a niche and unless your stuff is totally and completely awesome and great and never been done before you are fighting for a piece of a pie that is getting smaller and smaller everyday.
My advice? Find another blogger but in a different niche that could work well with your niche and merge with them or partner with them. For example if you are in the books reviewing niche you could partner up with or merge with a television or movie reviewing niche blogger. Why? Because sometimes books are made into movies and television shows and it would not be so strange to have a review for both media. To top it off you will not be doing everything by yourself and trying to post as much and burning yourself out. You and your partner could take turns posting. Like you could do every Monday,Wednesday and Friday. And they could do every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursdays. Saturdays could be your rest day. Not only will you be reaching a larger audiences but you would also be kept from burning out and giving up.
Thanks for reading. Until next time.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Blogging tips: Personal Selling

You may or may not have realize this but when you started blogging you became a a sort of marketing salesperson. Why do I say this? Simple. You had to promote your blog in order to generate any sort of readers. And if you didn't? Well your blog is most likely dead by now or have only a couple of people actually reading it. Like maybe one or two people stumble upon your blog every couple of days. Even if you write very good, wonderful, great contents. Because how is anyone going to read your great content if they do not know about it? I say this because a lot of newbie bloggers and even some older blogger sees a blog in the same niche as them without very good content as what they wrote but is very popular and they wonder how? How can such a blogger make it when their stuff is less then what the other blogger asking the question wrote . These bloggers says to themselves "Even though I tried hard and came up with a great content, Why am I barely on any reader radar? Why can't they see my work is better? Are people, the readers, not smart or something?"
Well am here to tell you that no. The readers are not dumb or slow or anything of the sort. It is you there problem lies with, you the blogger. You see you are not selling yourself to your readers, nor placing yourself on their radar. So how can you expect them to know about you or your content? They are not going to! Ask yourself this question. "Do I know about blogs that I have never seen or heard about from others before even if they might exist?" And the answer to that question is most likely no. So how are your readers going to know about your blog without promotion? They are not. Now you are asking yourself. "How do I promote my blog? What do I do?"
Well I am here to help you and to do that am going to tell you something and that something is.... 

  • Personal selling is absolutely essential in the world of blogging. Without selling yourself and your blog you will get no where. 
Which brings us to the next thing that most bloggers do not take into consideration and that something is....
  • Good bloggers do not just try to sell,promote, to the reader but rather they try to help the reader receive something of value from their blog -by understanding their readers needs and what their blog advantages and disadvantages are. Which means bloggers need to take into consider what their blog target for readers are. Because not everyone is going to be your reader. In order words who will be reading your blogs, why are they reading your blogs and where can they be found? Become your reader to find your reader. 
That is all for today. Thanks for reading. Until next time. 

Friday, August 21, 2015

Blogger Tips: Webmaster Tool and Indexing

So when starting off your blog or website the are a couple of things you need to make sure you do. One of those is making sure you have your website or blog indexed by Google and Bing. I mean how are you going to get ranked on the world wild web if neither of these search engines even have your website or blog marked? Which is where the free webmaster tool by google and webmaster by bing comes in handle. It is free and very easy to used once you figure out how to use it that is.
So the question become how do you get your site indexed by google or bing? Well you get your site indexed by these search engines by providing them with a sitemap of your website or blog. In google webmaster you can generate your sitemap -after you have of course added a website property- by clicking the website or blog you owned. Once you click on you blog or website name you should be taken to a page with a list to the left, on that list locate the label "Crawl" which will reveal a couple of other labels then click on the label "Sitemaps". This is where you are going to get your sitemap from which you will then sent to Google or Bing for indexing. Now this is where you might become a better confuse but I am here to help you.
When you click on the tab on the page called add/test sitemap it is going to give you something that appears like this....
with a empty box following after so you can put in something. For this all you are going to do is place in that box " sitemap.xml " without the quotations which should generate your sitemap for you and you just click submit and that it. It will be sent to google or bing and your website or blog will be indexed with in a day or two.
Hope this helps. 

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Bogging Tips: Front

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When you start blogging the is one thing you should be very mindful of and that is front size. You really do not want to disturbed your readers with different front sizes. It makes your blog looks very unattractive and causes your readers to not even try reading whatever it is you have written. So be very mindful of your front and it's sizes. Because a front size can make or break your blog no matter how interesting or wonderful your posts are. Also the type of front can also make or break your blog as well. So be careful with those different type of styles. If in doubt go with the average and regulate